Human beings are biased by nature. Each of us forms opinions about the world based on the experiences we’ve had and the backgrounds we come from. While bias itself is not inherently bad, it’s important for entrepreneurs to understand their unconscious biases and work to eliminate them from their business decisions to ensure the fairest outcomes for all involved.

Attend unconscious bias training

Unconscious bias training is important because it’s the biases we don’t realize we have that impact our decision-making the most

  • Once you understand your conscious and unconscious biases, you can work with your team to raise all concerns and identify all opportunities

Create a diverse ‘inner circle’ to consult with

Ensure there is diversity of thought in your inner circle to yield better business decisions

Implement 360-degree feedback systems

Eliminate bias by eliminating confirmation bias

Collect and analyze workplace data

A great way to remove bias from decision-making is by consistently collecting data and suggesting changes in the workplace

Focus on facts first

Before making any decision, reflect on the facts surrounding that choice.

Think About People Who Will Be Affected by the Decision

Think about specific people who will be directly impacted by the decision before making it

Ask people you trust to point out your blind spots

Stay humble, and don’t think you know everything

  • You’ll see past your biases if you never stop learning and you don’t stop improving your judgment
  • Don’t be so confident in your knowledge that you forget to ask for advice

Seek to avoid confirmation bias

Ask, “What if I’m wrong”
