Achieving win-win spin-offs

Achieving win-win spin-offs

Unlocking the potential of win-win spin-offs can be a game-changer for businesses. It's about leveraging synergies, fostering innovation, and creating value for all stakeholders. Let's delve into the strategies and practices that make these beneficial spin-offs a reality.

Four factors critical to achieving win-win spin-offs

A quick transition toward growth

Leadership time and attention

Companies frequently pursue spin-offs to free up management’s time and bandwidth to refocus on the core business or launch a new one.

Culture and Talent

The most successful spin-offs don’t approach this as a zero-sum exercise

A quick transition toward growth

In most cases, the management teams of both ParentCo and SpinCo can adequately explain how growth is part of the spin-off’s strategic rationale, alongside improved capital management and other operational changes.

About the Author(s)

Jan Krause, Anthony Luu, Robert Uhlaner, and Andy West are partners at McKinsey & Company

Operational excellence

Companies that successfully execute win-win spin-offs tend to optimize the operating model for both ParentCo and SpinCo


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