Don’t Underestimate the Power of Your Voice

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Your Voice
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Your Voice

Unleashing the potential of your voice can be transformative. Often overlooked, the power of voice extends beyond mere communication, shaping our interactions and influencing perceptions. Discover how harnessing this power can open doors and create opportunities.

Our voices matter as much as our words matter

Our voices awaken senses and lead others to act

  • Through our voices, we create nuances of meaning, convey emotions, and find the secret to…
  • How do we train our voices to be more visceral, effective, and command attention?

Spell strong executive presence using a powerful tone

Focus on a pitch that feels comfortable and authentic to your vocal range

  • To command more executive presence, combine this technique with increasing the volume of your voice on important focus words
  • When fused with substantive facts, forward-looking statements, and straightforward phrasing, a powerful speech style is the key to persuasive public speaking skills

Calibrate your vocal rhythm with the right melody

Deliberately varying our pacing with compelling pauses creates “voiced” punctuation, a powerful way to hold the pulse of the moment.

  • The subtle effects of thought groups are often overlooked in the workplace. Within each sentence, these short “phrases of meaning,” express a single idea and are separated by a pause.

Understanding vocalics

Vocalics consists of three linguistic elements: stress (volume), intonation (rising and falling tone), and rhythm (pacing).

  • Through our experience as faculty at New York University and language and communications specialists at the United Nations Headquarters, we’ve found that combining vocalics with public speaking skills produces a powerful speaking style.

Crank up the vocal volume to supercharge your messages

Vocal power is that sought-after thunder often attributed to seasoned professionals who know how to command attention through their vocal delivery

  • The effective use of volume goes beyond trying to be the loudest person in the room
  • You can purposefully impact the behavior of others by modulating your volume on specific words which guides the discussion or negotiation in a particular direction
