The monkey is anyone who holds authority, power and designation. To master communicating with the monkey, you need to speak and perform the way that the monkey likes and to understand what the monkey thinks. Who is the monkey? The monkey holds power, status, designation, and authority.

What does the monkey think?

The monkey has a fixed mindset, they like to have things done their way

  • They learn to do things by mimicry and often do not know the reason and logic behind the act
  • If you observe closely all our monkeys are trying to help their human out theoretically but instead end up being more of a pain

Make time for Gorillas

Gorillas need time and extra care as they are bigger and much stronger.

What does the monkey want?

The monkey wants the BANANA.

  • Give the monkey what it wants and go on with your life without the monkey bothering you.
  • The Banana is the key to getting past the monkey
  • A banana is not the fruit, it is the solution to the monkey problem.

Where Is the Monkey?

If you do not have the necessary resources and means to answer right away, you ask for some time to send in the draft

  • The boss does not reply in time, and shelves the draft for a later day and time
  • When you meet him again, remind him to suggest some edits, and he does not respond
  • After the meeting, whose back is the monkey on

What is the Banana?

Every monkey is different, and the banana changes according to the needs and wants of the monkey

  • For example, for an interviewer, a need is a candidate with the desired credentials, and for an examiner, a want is a correct answer of the desired length
  • The perfect banana is the combination of all three

Getting Rid of the Monkeys

The boss returns to the office and sees his employees are waiting outside his office waiting to see him about their monkeys.

How to give the banana

Understand the business at hand

  • Why do you want to use the banana and what is the outcome you want?
  • Once that is established, make your move and use the monkey’s preset notions and bias to tilt the arguments in your favor.

Evolution of the Monkey

The banana can only be used against a monkey that is a physical entity i.e. the monkey that you can see and deceive.
