How to Ask Your Boss to Let You Work on Another Team’s Project

How to Ask Your Boss to Let You Work on Another Team’s Project

You don’t hate your job necessarily, but you’re bored. Your day-to-day responsibilities have become second nature, and you no longer feel like you’re being challenged. You need to take on an outside project if it’s for the good of the company. Here’s what you need to know.

Make a Convincing Case

Make the connection for your boss to how this project aligns with team goals

Make the Most of Your Current Situation

Are there other options within your own team that give you a stretch assignment of some kind to help in your development?

Approach Your Boss

Showcase how the project will benefit the boss and how it will make things better for them.

Understand That You Might Get a No (for Now)

There’s no guarantee your manager will say yes, even if you did all your homework and presented a solid case.


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