Melinda Briana Epler is the Founder and CEO of Change Catalyst. She has over 25 years of experience as a diversity, equity, and inclusion speaker, advisor, and changemaker. Her book, How to Be an Ally: Actions You Can Take for a Stronger, Happier Workplace offers practical advice on how those of us in the position to become allies can inspire and enact change.

There’s no magic wand that creates diversity, equity, and inclusion

Change happens one person at a time, one action, one word at a Time

  • We must all work together with empathy, leading with empathy and changing how we do what we do, how we make people feel

Covert culture change is the best option when leadership or the company culture is not ready to address diversity, equity, and inclusion directly

You can still move the needle in several ways without using those three words

  • Wellness programs can improve engagement levels, health, and well-being
  • Mindfulness and emotional intelligence programs create empathy skills
  • Leadership development programs help people with underrepresented identities grow their careers and move into leadership, while improving engagement and belonging
  • Employee resource groups (ERGs) provide a safe space for people to meet people like them and be themselves

Become a good ally one step at a time

Learn, unlearn, and relearn

  • Do no harm-understand and correct our biases
  • Recognize and overcome microaggressions
  • Advocate for people
  • Stand up for what’s right
  • Lead the change
  • Address biases and inequities

Allyship is empathy in action

See the person next to you and understand what they’re going through, then help them succeed

  • Learn by reading, observing, listening, and learning
  • Step up and step in as an advocate
  • Lead the change
  • Remove barriers
  • Be a good human

Biases are mental patterns or shortcuts that influence our perception about something, someone, or a situation

While we might not be aware of our biases, they can perpetuate oppression, inequity, and marginalization

  • As allies, we must learn the ways we might be harming people without realizing it, acknowledge the impact of this harm, and correct our actions
