How to Deal With Someone Who Keeps Undermining You at Work

How to Deal With Someone Who Keeps Undermining You at Work
How to Deal With Someone Who Keeps Undermining You at Work

Backhanded compliments are words that are strung together to sound like a compliment, only to deviously undermine you in the process. If you’re not familiar with them, they’re called backhanded compliments. They’re words that sound like compliments, but are actually deviously undermined you.

Things that people say are a reflection of them, not you

Don’t take Paul’s words to heart, he’s probably insecure about the gender gap and still doesn’t know how to deal with a go-getting woman

Turn it into your “why”.

When things make you upset, let it be the fuel to your fire. Let it push you even harder to get a promotion.

Actions speak louder than words

You have nothing to prove

  • Although it would be tempting in this situation to list off all of your achievements and detail how much of a hard worker you are, let it go. You know yourself best.
  • What you end up doing has more significance that what you say you’re going to do

Smile and move on

Recognize that this person is not worth your time and do not give them the time of day anymore

  • If a new acquaintance says something you don’t like, you do not have to engage with them anymore, just excuse yourself and get on with your day

Acknowledge the comment head on

If you’re in fight mode, then say something

  • Ask Paul what he means by, “for a woman” and if he thinks it’s a great achievement for a man, too”
  • You can’t change someone’s mind if they don’t want it changed
