Almost every office has someone who thinks they know everything. From the annual company report to canine dental hygiene, it’s apparently within their wheelhouse. So what do you do if you love your job but can’t stand this type of colleague/irritant? “This is where emotional intelligence comes in,” says Dr. Christine M. Allen of the New York-based executive coaching firm Insight Business Works.

Empathize with them

Find common ground by finding what you agree with

  • Remove negative emotion from your observation
  • Learn why the know-it-all chooses to constantly self-promote
  • Listen without an agenda to identify triggers for their behavior and know how to avoid them

Utilize their strengths

Suggest that she be in charge of one branch of a project so that she can flex her muscles without infringing on others’ responsibilities

  • Pushing them frequently to lead in one particular area can take the sting off when you tell them you need someone else to contribute in other areas

Strive for collaboration-not competition

Address the elephant in the conference room

  • Have an honest conversation about working together
  • Don’t argue or look to butt heads
  • In a team meeting, offer your point of view and ideas, but don’t make it about rebutting their ideas
