How to increase productivity without giving up your free time

How to increase productivity without giving up your free time
How to increase productivity without giving up your free time

Working smarter is the ability to be productive and efficient when working toward your goals, rather than looking and feeling busy and out of time. Use your headspace to work smarter, and not harder, using the following perspectives:1. Working smarter means working smarter, not harder.

The Pareto Principle

80% of your results will be generated from 20% of focused efforts

  • Set your intentions each day on activities that will produce the best results
  • Understand when you are most productive, and schedule your most difficult tasks around that time

Focus on your own journey

What might take you five hours could take someone else eight

  • This does not mean you’re doing anything wrong, working less hard, or being lazy!
  • Give yourself the time you need to set and achieve your own goals, and don’t get psyched out by your colleague who can never seem to make it out of the office before 9 p.m.

Rest and Recharge

Rest and recharge

  • Establish a sleep routine by going to bed and waking up every day at the same time
  • Afternoon naps are a great way to boost your productivity throughout the day
  • If you find yourself feeling stressed out, hit pause, and give yourself a time out

Organize, organize, organize

Time-block your schedule and create hourly increments over the day where you focus only on certain tasks or projects

  • The most productive people plan their work based on their top priorities and work accordingly around that
  • Create a detailed to-do list each night to guide your plan of action throughout the following day
