How to Make Deadlines Less Stressful and More Motivational

How to Make Deadlines Less Stressful and More Motivational

Deadlines: We all have them, and we all dread them. But there are ways to stop drowning in deadlines-to stop seeing them as something negative and start embracing them. And making deadlines work for you instead of the other way around is the first step toward managing stress and improving your productivity.

Why Do Deadlines Stress Us Out?

Deadlines can be set arbitrarily by an external party or self-imposed by ourselves

Set more urgent deadlines

We’re more motivated to complete a task on short notice than a longer one, even at our own expense

Share your goals and progress with others

Commitment to one person increases your chances of meeting a goal by 65 percent

Set multiple deadlines instead of just one

One way to create less stressful and more realistic deadlines is to break large projects into smaller tasks.

Turn meeting your deadlines into a game

Find a task that is challenging enough to be rewarding, but not so difficult that it diminishes your motivation.

Find your ideal stress level

According to the Yerkes-Dodson law, the appropriate amount of stress should inspire increased productivity and improved performance-at least until stress levels start to exceed the optimal point


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