How to Start a Productive Morning Routine for Success (Proven Method)

How to Start a Productive Morning Routine for Success (Proven Method)
How to Start a Productive Morning Routine for Success (Proven Method)

A daily morning routine can make or break you, but I could never seem to crack it. Finally, I discovered the not-so-secret recipe to help you learn how to create a morning routine. But first, let’s remind ourselves of the benefits of morning routines.

The Importance of Morning Routines for Success

What you do in the morning sets the tone for the day

  • Your habits determine the quality of your life
  • The first three hours of the day are the most precious because the brain is most active and creative after sleep
  • An effective morning routine will keep you on course regardless of what life situations come your way

Five morning routine tips to follow

Find your “why”

  • Start small and build slowly
  • Aim for realistic and achievable
  • Commit to consistency
  • Plan ahead
  • Create balance
  • Test different routines
  • Only make one change to your daily morning routine at a time, and stick to any new change for a least a week

How to Start a Morning Routine in 5 Simple Steps

There’s no such thing as a “perfect morning routine for success.”

  • A productive morning routine is best for you
  • Try following these five simple steps to create a morning routine that is perfect for you

Plan Ahead

Remove distractions and set up cues

  • Turn your phone off and don’t keep it in the bedroom
  • Get an old-school alarm clock
  • Put your workout clothes on the floor by your bed, so you can stand on them when you get up and be reminded to put them on immediately
  • Account for “buffer” time – 5-to-10 minutes between each behavior

Find Your “Why”

Define what you hope to get from a productive morning routine.

  • Create ways to remind yourself of your “why” – put notes everywhere, set reminders on your phone, recite a mantra – drill it in. It will keep you going when times get tough.

Create Balance

Choose one behavior from each of the four main areas of self-improvement

  • Mental: Read, listen to a podcast, plan your day
  • Emotional: Practice gratitude, connect with loved ones, etc.
  • Physical: Exercise, do yoga, drink and eat healthily
  • Spiritual: Meditate, pray, spend time in nature
  • Have a healthy breakfast with your partner, pet, or housemate (Physical and emotional)
  • Listen to an audiobook on the way to work/school

Start Small

Take small, consistent steps over time

  • Change gradually, but consistently
  • Try to find one or two things to start with – three max.
  • Make it so easy that you never miss a day. For example, if you usually wake up at 8.00 am, set your alarm for 7.30 am – likely, you won’t make it more than a few days.

Commit to Consistency

If you want to create a productive morning routine that can change your life, you need to be in it for the long-haul. Nothing will work unless you’re consistent.

  • As the classical greek philosopher Aristotle once said, “We are what we repeatedly do.”
