Engineers are the magicians of the crew, who, with a few taps of their fingers, take the plans and the pixels and Voila! A working implementation. As a designer, how do you best keep up with their meme-savvy, self-deprecating, script-loving ways?

Engineers are the translators of ideas into reality

They are the builders of the foundations, keepers of everything that makes your product tick, and they make it work fast.

Want to make stuff happen? All you need to do is just convince one or two engineers

Start with the basic building blocks-an idea, a design, and an implementation

Work extremely closely with the engineer

Sit right next to them and ensure everyone is on the same page

It’s easier if the engineer you’re working with appreciates good design

You can help every engineer you work with develop an appreciation for good design by teaching them about your values and why you think the design you propose is worth building.

Be complete with your designs

Make sure your design solutions are complete and consider edge cases

Understand engineering constraints early

The worst thing that can happen is that you spend your time perfecting a design that has no chance of working out

Help engineers understand how final the design is at any given stage

If you give an engineer a design to build but you’re not confident how well it’ll work out until you get to play with the implementation, make sure you let them know that there’s a good chance things will change.


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