Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath is a compelling exploration of powerful ideas and how they shape our world. The book delves into the science of ideas, providing a blueprint for crafting ideas that are memorable, influential and have a lasting impact.

The SUCCESs Formula

The authors introduce a formula for sticky ideas: SUCCESs (Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional, Stories).

This formula is a guideline for creating ideas that stick in people’s minds.

The Power of Analogies

Analogies can make complex ideas more understandable and memorable.

They provide a familiar framework within which the audience can comprehend the new idea.

The Role of Surprise

Surprise plays a crucial role in making ideas stick.

It grabs attention and stimulates curiosity, making the audience more receptive to the idea.

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the gap between knowing and doing is key.

The authors emphasize the importance of not just sharing information, but also inspiring action.