Please Stop Using These Phrases in Meetings

Please Stop Using These Phrases in Meetings

Are you guilty of using overused phrases in meetings? It's time to rethink your vocabulary. Discover why certain phrases can be detrimental to effective communication and learn how to replace them with more impactful language.

Some New Year’s resolutions are more attainable than others

Even at a time when so much is beyond our control, we remain in control of our own speech patterns

We’re building the plane while flying it

What is the speaker actually saying about the initiative being described?

Don’t dismiss someone’s idea and put them off indefinitely

Make sure to mention when the next meeting will be, and give a clear, quick mention of how and when the follow-up will be

Make the most of those inevitable few minutes when you’re waiting for stragglers to join

Begin with brief tone-setting exercises

I’m going to give you 10 minutes of your life back

This simple rephrasing has the power to reframe your work

You’re on mute

“You’re on mute.”


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