Research: The Real-Time Impact of Microaggressions

Research: The Real-Time Impact of Microaggressions

Microaggressions, subtle slights often unintentional, can have a profound real-time impact on individuals. Unravel the intricacies of these seemingly minor incidents and their significant consequences, as we delve into the latest research shedding light on this pervasive issue.

Research: The Real-Time Impact of Microaggressions

There is a gap between how folks intend to treat people of color and what is actually happening

Opening the Black Box

Edith Cooper, a successful board member and CEO, was told by a white male colleague, “There’s no chance now [for a board seat] for the next 20 years. Edith, you must be in great demand – as a Black woman.”

The Cost to Teams

Healthy deference plays an important role in teams because it fosters group cooperation


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