The Art of Technical Writing

The Art of Technical Writing

Technical writing is a method of conveying technical knowledge to audiences by simplifying the topic. It takes skill to convey information to the reader in a clear and succinct manner. Technical writing isn’t about how much a writer understands about a subject; it’s about how engaging they can make it for their audience.

The Don’ts of Technical Writing

Be in haste

Create a structure

Structure your text in such a manner that it is readily scannable for individuals who want to skim it by using tables or charts.

Seek and accept advice

Ask for feedback


Writing is a process that is iterative, but it is important to have pleasure writing

Never stop learning

To gain a better understanding of the ‘what, why, and how’ of the issue, improve your domain-specific expertise, do in-depth research, consult subject matter experts, or consult the back-end teams

When should I write?

Strong opinions on a topic

Make a game plan

Outline a strategy and outline

Use examples

To make your ideas more accessible, consider introducing a couple of hypothetical scenarios or utilizing a metaphor or a tale to illustrate how it applies to the real world.

Know your audience

Write for an audience you know

Simplify Your Language

Avoid using industry jargon if your audience is unlikely to comprehend it


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