There’s nothing like time spent trying to be productive from hotels and cafés to make you appreciate the benefits of a home office. If you’re thinking about taking off for far-flung locations so you can keep your job while seeing the world, think of this as a checklist of things to prepare for-and a warning that it won’t be glamorous.

Physical discomforts

Do not bring an ergonomic chair or standing desk with you

  • The chances that you’ll be able to set up a workstation that is comfortable are slim
  • You can’t control the lighting, so you are likely to experience eye strain
  • Temperature control can be evasive


Mosquitoes are the bane of many people’s lives.

  • They are a serious danger and can carry all sorts of diseases including chikungunya, dysentery, and meningococcal disease
  • A good way to avoid them is to use bug spray indoors


The clamor of traffic, crowds, construction, nearby airports, and more can make it especially difficult to take calls or do Zoom meetings.

Slow, untrustworthy Wi-Fi

There’s a good chance that you need faster internet and more bandwidth than you realize. You’ll have difficulty finding it when you travel.

  • Hackers prey on digital nomads, and some have gotten very good at disguising what they’re up to.

Loneliness versus hookup culture

Many people working remotely, even from home, have wrestled with loneliness in recent years.

  • Most people, including myself, are likely to be most productive and have the best work experience when they are stationary and within the comforts of a home office.

Inadequate sanitation

In most offices and restaurants, workers can count on a basic level of sanitation to be kept up-partly due to health codes.

  • However, in some other places, it’s just not the same
  • Be careful, and beware
