In our world of pervasive screen time and social media, many of us have become less social in ways that are not only beneficial, but essential to our mental and physical well-being. We need in-person interactions to reap the full benefits of social connection. Here at Highland Springs our trained therapists can help you create stronger bonds within your relationships and reignite familial ties.

What are the advantages of having a family?

Increased happiness and satisfaction

Boosts Self-Confidence

Spending time with family builds confidence

  • Parents can teach children to build self-esteem through specific skills such as problem solving and communication
  • They can also model the ability to love oneself without degrading others
  • For parents and children, confidence grows simply with the knowledge that they are valued and appreciated by their loved ones

Teaches Effective Conflict Resolution

When conflicts arise, you can’t just walk away for good. You’re in this together, so you have to work together to solve the issues that come up

Enhances Physical Health

With the right kind of activities, spending time with family can positively impact physical well-being

  • Families who eat home-cooked meals together tend to have a better diet than those who do not
  • Participating in outdoor activities like sports games, hikes, or gardening together helps to improve fitness

Helps Children Perform Well Academically

Kids who are spending time with family tend to do better in school

Lengthens Life Expectancy

Family time has been linked to living a longer, healthier, happier life

Lowers Risk Of Behavioral Problems

Children who are spending time with their family have shown less risk of behavioral issues, such as violence and substance abuse.

Helps Kids Learn Future Parenting Skills

The memories you create together will instill in children a desire to foster the same loving atmosphere in their own future homes

Make Spending Time with Family a Priority- Highland Springs Can Help

While it’s fun to invite friends and family to spend quality time together, it’s also a significant aspect of your physical health and mental well-being.

  • Making time to connect with family requires a bit of planning and money, but it’s well worth it for the outcomes of healthy individuals and strong family bonds.

Why is family so important?

Family is so important because of all the love and support it provides

  • Being with family helps construct principles and improve overall mental health
  • Spending time with family is key to a person’s development as it promotes adaptability and resilience
  • A PLOS ONE study showed that participants’ stress, happiness, and well-being levels were better predicted by their social circle strength than by the physical health data collected on a fitness tracker

Reduces Stress

Those with strong family healthy relationships tend to seek out healthier coping mechanisms for stress

Promotes Adaptability and Resilience

Being with family gives you the feeling of knowing that you belong, you are cared for, and you are needed, which gives a sense of meaning and purpose.
