The Visibility Factor is a book about how to become more visible in your career and life. Susan Barber, the author, argues that visibility is essential for success, and that by becoming more visible, you can increase your chances of achieving your goals.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the importance of visibility and why it is so important to be seen. The second part provides a number of tips on how to become more visible. The third part discusses the challenges of visibility and how to overcome them.

R.I.S.E Framework Part 1

The RISE framework stands for reputation, influence, strategic relationships, and exposure. These four elements are essential for increasing your visibility and advancing your career.

Reputation is about building a strong personal brand that reflects your values, strengths, and expertise. This can mean taking an inventory of your skills, accomplishments, and unique qualities and developing a clear and consistent message that communicates your value to others.

Influence is about using your expertise and relationships to have a positive impact on your organization and industry. This involves finding opportunities to share your knowledge and ideas through presentations, writing, and social media.

R.I.S.E Framework Part 2

Strategic relationships are essential for building a strong network of allies and advocates who can help you navigate your career and open doors for you. Some actions include identifying key stakeholders in your organization and industry and developing strong relationships with them.

Exposure is about finding and creating opportunities to showcase your skills and expertise to a wider audience. One can try seeking out leadership opportunities, volunteering for high-profile projects, and attending conferences and events to increase your visibility.

Get visible!

  • Have a personal board of directors for career guidance and support
  • Leverage social media to increase visibility
  • Take risks and step outside of comfort zone to increase visibility
  • Cultivate a growth mindset and embrace challenges
  • Be intentional about career goals and create a plan to achieve them
  • Navigate workplace politics and build relationships with colleagues.
