Time Blocking: Improve Your Focus And Get More Meaningful Work Done

Time Blocking: Improve Your Focus And Get More Meaningful Work Done
Time Blocking: Improve Your Focus And Get More Meaningful Work Done

Time Blocking is simply using your calendar to block time for your most important priorities. The only thing you need is a calendar, which is something everyone with a smartphone and computer has. That way, you don’t have to think, “What should I do next?”

The road to high productivity starts with awareness

We need self-awareness and tools that keep us in check

  • Time Blocking is one such tool
  • Think of something to do, start working on it, life gets in the way, and then you FORGET about it

Some things to consider:

Take 10 minutes every evening and plan your next day

“Wow, time blocking sounds like too much planning to me.” No problem. Plan less.

There’s always a counter-movement for everything

  • People who do the exact opposite and advocate an anti-productivity lifestyle
  • Pretend they have empty calendars and don’t care about anything
  • They like to go with the flow and daydream

Some people love Time Blocking

Some people hate it.

  • Dedicate ten to twenty minutes every evening to building a schedule for the next day
  • The goal is to make sure progress is being made on the right things at the right pace for the relevant deadlines
  • Working is not the same thing as making progress

Are you an amateur or a pro?

The amateur only works when inspiration strikes – sit down and put in steady work.

What are you trying to achieve

What resources do you have?

  • Plan your days and weeks in advance to make sure you’re working on the right things
  • Only work on one big thing at a time
  • If you’re lacking focus, not making progress, and want to work in a more organized way, give time blocking a try
