What Would You Do with an Extra Hour in Your Day?

What Would You Do with an Extra Hour in Your Day?
What Would You Do with an Extra Hour in Your Day?

Time management is a myth. We cannot manage time; we can only manage ourselves. If you’re tired of doing more every day but never feeling like you did enough, I have some solutions. But we first have to take responsibility. This week on the SUCCESS Line, I talked to a graduate of the SUccessESS coaching certification about a perpetually hot topic for entrepreneurs: time management.

Time management is a myth

How we spend our time is an investment, and it is up to us to decide where we put our money

  • Look inward at how you are using the hours you do have and determine what habits you need to change or modify to maximize your time

Do more of the right things

We are all bound by the same 24 hours in the day. In order to make the most of them, the goal is not to fill every waking moment with work but rather to be more purposeful and intentional with the time we do spend.

Set up a winnable game

Set realistic timelines that allow you to follow through

  • Give yourself a long enough runway to gain the speed required to take off
  • You will be more reliable to your colleagues and less stressed in your own life because you are not stuck in a never-ending game of catch-up
