Are you struggling to find productivity while working from home, despite following all the advice out there? It's time to delve into why these popular tips might not be yielding the expected results and explore alternative strategies for remote work success.

Some bad advice for working from home

Have a separate home office

  • Find a buddy
  • Use the right tools
  • Dress the part
  • Make to-do lists
  • Set “work hours”
  • You work from home so you don’t have to follow these rules

Experiment with productivity strategies

What works for other people might not work for you.

  • We need to adapt our habits and routines to what our life looks like today
  • Reading the news a few times a day actually puts me more at ease
  • Find a balance between focusing on what we control and what we don’t

Adopt a “work first” mindset

Plan your day around your work

  • Commit to getting your work done no matter what
  • You can wear whatever you want, work from the couch, you can work at 2 AM or 6 PM, on the toilet, using any type of app you like

Don’t overdo it

The quality of your work will deteriorate if you work too much, especially if you have a boss who thinks you must work 8 hours a day

  • 4-5 hours is a good limit, but every person is different, and it’s up to you to figure out what that number is
