Why We Say “I’m Fine” When We Aren’t

Why We Say “I’m Fine” When We Aren’t

Saying “I’m fine” when we aren’t can be a way to deny painful feelings, avoid conflicts, and pretend that we don’t have problems. To overcome avoiding feelings and problems, it can help notice and acknowledge feelings, and find a “safe” person to share feelings with.

Avoiding painful feelings

In general, codependents are uncomfortable with emotions.

Overcoming Avoidance and Denial

If we want to truly feel better and create more authentic and satisfying relationships, we have to acknowledge that we’re not fine, that we are struggling, hurt, afraid, or angry, and that we have unmet needs.

Avoiding conflicts

We also pretend to be fine to avoid conflicts.

Avoiding our problems

Pretending that we don’t have any problems, difficult emotions, or conflicts can be a form of denial


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