You Inspire Me: A Heartwarming Way To Appreciate People

You Inspire Me: A Heartwarming Way To Appreciate People
You Inspire Me: A Heartwarming Way To Appreciate People

Every creative person needs feedback, whether it’s good or bad, there is this little needy “me” that wants attention and recognition. Telling someone they inspire you powers up further creations and contributes to a better world. Here’s how. Tell someone you inspire them.

Speak Up

Next time you are touched by someone’s story, tweet, blog post, comment, photo, let them know how it made you feel, how it shaped your thinking, what thoughts it provoked, what it allowed you to experience, discover, understand. Tell them you hope they inspire you.

Slow down and appreciate what you are consuming

It’s easy to become a consume-it-all monster and mindlessly read, watch and listen to everything internet has to offer

  • Give credit to people who spent hours producing the content
  • Once you share the work and let people know who created it and how it impacted your life it becomes more personal, more authentic and more appealing to people
  • Thanks to the following people for inspiring me, for making me think, believe, trust, help, learn, create, contribute, give back and love
  • Mom and dad
  • Thank you for being the best parents, supporting me in whatever I do and loving me unconditionally
  • Dale Partridge
  • thank you for spreading the love and humanistic approach to entrepreneurship
  • Steve Munroe
  • thanks you for co-founding Hubud and delivering talks on the future of work

Inspire Quotes

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.

  • Kobe Bryant
  • “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.”
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Kerli

A Simple Thank You

Leave a comment, write an email and thank the people who do the work you mention below. Let them know your thoughts and how much you appreciate their efforts. Thank them, and thank them, for all their hard work and give them a simple thank you.

Be the Change

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

  • Serve other people without expecting them to do the same
  • Start giving without expecting anything in return and you’ll see people complimenting and connecting with your work in no time.

Pay It Forward

For the extra mile, share the work that inspired you with your friends, write them a personal message, tell them how the piece affected you and inspire them, keep the inspiration chain alive and you will start noticing beautiful things happening
